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by beno
04 Nov 2022, 03:52
Forum: Feature requests
Topic: WRC 9
Replies: 3
Views: 42781

Re: WRC 9

The new WRC Generations was released today and it supports telemetry.
Any chance to get native support in Fanaleds?

Here's the documentation for the telemetry: ... 9159011342
by beno
23 Jul 2022, 08:12
Forum: Bug reports
Topic: FanaLEDS not working anymore with latest Live For Speed 0.7D
Replies: 0
Views: 45151

FanaLEDS not working anymore with latest Live For Speed 0.7D

The "Setup games automatically" option fails, saying that '(none)' games were set up. But even after manually setting up LFS's cfg.txt, FanaLEDS remains in 'Waiting' status while in-game. And FanaLEDS becomes unresponsive. Game Setting: OutSim Delay 1 OutSim IP OutSim Port 0 OutS...
by beno
12 Sep 2021, 19:50
Forum: Feature requests
Topic: WRC 9
Replies: 3
Views: 42781

Re: WRC 9

I found a way to get WRC10 to work with Fanaleds. Using this patch: Just install the patch following the instructions, then you launch their stub DirtRally2.exe with "/port 30500 /protocol extradata3" and Fanaleds will bel...
by beno
10 Sep 2021, 05:02
Forum: Feature requests
Topic: WRC 9
Replies: 3
Views: 42781

Re: WRC 9

Support for WRC 10 would be awesome now that it's the new best rally sim we have :mrgreen:
If getting the game in the hands of Fanaled developers is needed, I'm sure we can take care of that.
by beno
25 Jul 2020, 20:39
Forum: Releases
Topic: Fanaleds 2.6a
Replies: 15
Views: 32678

Re: Fanaleds 2.6a

Thank you! Very appreciated. I don't know how I would be able to race without it 😅
by beno
25 Jul 2020, 10:38
Forum: Releases
Topic: Fanaleds 2.6a
Replies: 15
Views: 32678

Re: Fanaleds 2.6a

Would anyone be kind enough to upload to a mirror? Either Dropbox or anything... maybe even zip the file with a password so it cannot be scanned.

The files were wiped off my system live while I was racing and lost the rev lights.
by beno
27 Apr 2020, 11:31
Forum: Open discussion
Topic: Can the blue RPM lights flash when it's time to upshift? (SLI-PRO)
Replies: 0
Views: 39352

Can the blue RPM lights flash when it's time to upshift? (SLI-PRO)


I'm new to Fanaleds. Great work btw; very clear interface.
I haven't figured out how to make the last four RPM lights flash on upshift (instead of just the two side LEDs).
Please let me know if that's possible.
