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by dirk
07 Dec 2016, 20:41
Forum: Releases
Topic: Fanaleds 2.4g
Replies: 7
Views: 14091

Fanaleds 2.4g

2.4h solves the revlights problem.

Thanks very much for the update
by dirk
07 Dec 2016, 14:10
Forum: Releases
Topic: Fanaleds 2.4g
Replies: 7
Views: 14091

Fanaleds 2.4g

I have done that, back to the default settings.

I will install 2.4g when I get back from work and post the global.xml file then.
by dirk
07 Dec 2016, 13:36
Forum: Releases
Topic: Fanaleds 2.4g
Replies: 7
Views: 14091

Fanaleds 2.4g

Unfortunatly, the leds aren't working anymore on my Simraceway steering wheel. Went back 2.4e and they are working again. Can you try reverting to default settings, (re)move all config files: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=440 Yes, I went back to the default settings in the new version and then tried the ...
by dirk
30 Nov 2016, 20:36
Forum: Releases
Topic: Fanaleds 2.4g
Replies: 7
Views: 14091

Fanaleds 2.4g

Unfortunatly, the leds aren't working anymore on my Simraceway steering wheel. Went back 2.4e and they are working again.