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by BARMotorsport
29 Apr 2018, 19:57
Forum: Bug reports
Topic: Fanaleds 2.5b (and 2.4v and u) Freezes and un-freezes
Replies: 21
Views: 19664

Re: Fanaleds 2.5b (and 2.4v and u) Freezes and un-freezes

Seems like there are a lot of people with this issue. We haven't experienced it ourself, but we'll look into it as soon as we get to it. In theory 2.5b should run better because it communicates less with the website. The website doesn't crash or something, but it can be that it's slightly overloade...
by BARMotorsport
29 Apr 2018, 08:45
Forum: Bug reports
Topic: Fanaleds 2.5b (and 2.4v and u) Freezes and un-freezes
Replies: 21
Views: 19664

Re: Fanaleds 2.5b (and 2.4v and u) Freezes and un-freezes

UPDATE: (2nd time typing this, your site is crashing!) 1. Website is Not Responding every few minutes. 2. Fanaleds User Interface goes Not Responding every time I click something for 20 seconds. 3. Fanaleds app itself is acting just like the user interface... several times a lap... useless. I went ...
by BARMotorsport
29 Apr 2018, 07:54
Forum: Bug reports
Topic: Fanaleds 2.5b (and 2.4v and u) Freezes and un-freezes
Replies: 21
Views: 19664

Re: Fanaleds 2.5b (and 2.4v and u) Freezes and un-freezes

No you're not crazy! In fact, my Fanaleds can work flawlessly for an entire evening (which is very rare), a few hours later and in goes out for most of every lap. I used to think it was a track thing in that it sometimes only works on certain parts of a given track... but that is not always the case...
by BARMotorsport
28 Apr 2018, 20:47
Forum: Bug reports
Topic: Fanaleds 2.5b (and 2.4v and u) Freezes and un-freezes
Replies: 21
Views: 19664

Fanaleds 2.5b (and 2.4v and u) Freezes and un-freezes

Like more and more are reporting... and showing video evidence... Fanaleds works fine for a few laps then goes un-responsive and will catch up the next lap or so just to do it again and again! Even working in the Fanaleds UI, it can become un-responsive for 20 seconds the refresh itself... This is h...
by BARMotorsport
28 Apr 2018, 20:32
Forum: Bug reports
Topic: Fanaleds 2.4g+ occasional hangs on Win10 64bit
Replies: 14
Views: 11993

Re: Fanaleds 2.4g+ occasional hangs on Win10 64bit

So whatever happened with this?
I have (and asked for help with the same thing on Win 7 64bit)
Was hoping that 25b would take care of it but no.
Sooo...? There will be no fix for this?
by BARMotorsport
13 Mar 2018, 16:48
Forum: Bug reports
Topic: Fanaleds becoming useless !
Replies: 2
Views: 5478

Re: Fanaleds becoming useless !

Thank you Roden, thank you for sprinkling Pixie Dust on my post. I'm so happy for you and that things are running sweet "on your end"! Yes, Siminstruments guys leaving without a word really sucked. Yes, the guys at Fanaleds ARE and have been my savior since 2013 Yes I have contributed and ...
by BARMotorsport
03 Mar 2018, 20:47
Forum: Bug reports
Topic: Fanaleds becoming useless !
Replies: 2
Views: 5478

Fanaleds becoming useless !

FANALEDS HANGS! Sorry to report as a long time user and Fanaleds supporter, My Fanaleds is spending more time not working than working these days, and I expect you guys to be gone any day. Problem: BMW Wheel and SimInstruments Dash in at least AC and RaceRoom randomly hangs only on parts of tracks a...
by BARMotorsport
15 Dec 2017, 20:20
Forum: Releases
Topic: Fanaleds 2.4u
Replies: 43
Views: 90513

Re: Fanaleds 2.4t

Any news? Is the patient breathing on it's own or does it still have a possible infection? :mrgreen:
by BARMotorsport
06 Dec 2017, 19:44
Forum: Bug reports
Topic: Update needed
Replies: 7
Views: 5081

Re: Update needed

Awesome, will keep fingers crossed!
by BARMotorsport
06 Dec 2017, 07:19
Forum: Bug reports
Topic: Update needed
Replies: 7
Views: 5081

Re: Update needed

Do you know if Raceroom is only a new exe? In that case the fix is easy This may hint at the answer to your question? I was able to get my SimVibe working by adding a "Wait On" RRRE64.exe ...this is the new .exe for 64bit. While I'm sure that is not a direct answer but may indicate that t...