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by BARMotorsport
04 Oct 2014, 03:42
Forum: Bug reports
Topic: Fanaleds and Siminstruments Dash Software together...
Replies: 2
Views: 2721

Fanaleds and Siminstruments Dash Software together...

Hi guys and thanks again for great software... Due to enhanced features, I would like to use Siminstruments Software for my Dash at the same time that I use Fanaleds for my CSW Wheel only in iRacing. Could you help me by describing in great detail how to accomplish this? OR Tell me how I could get F...
by BARMotorsport
01 Feb 2014, 21:36
Forum: Bug reports
Topic: Siminstruments Dash Brightness Issue...
Replies: 2
Views: 4681

Siminstruments Dash Brightness Issue...

Running Fanaleds 2.1 / Siminstrumnts Dash, DSD Buttonbox and Clubsport BMW wheel. Problem: the Brightness of the Siminstruments Dash is automatically mapped to the actual movement of my steering wheel... that is, when I steer, the brightness goes up and down. To fix this I must open the Hardware set...
by BARMotorsport
11 Nov 2013, 18:17
Forum: Feature requests
Topic: DTM Experience [Added in v2.0]
Replies: 4
Views: 4262

Re: DTM Experience [Added in v2.0]

I too would love to see support for this demo and future game.

BTW, I think you guys are doing an awesome job with your continued software development!!!!

:D Thank you for making my sim experience special!
by BARMotorsport
18 Oct 2013, 19:19
Forum: Bug reports
Topic: Still no official fix for Units? [Fixed in 2.0]
Replies: 3
Views: 3114

Still no official fix for Units? [Fixed in 2.0]

Version 1.6a Still can't switch from Metric to Imperial and save for Race 07 and iRacing. Don't know how to edit or find .xml file... don't want to either :roll: Surprised no fix yet or am I missing something? What is last version that this actually worked in, maybe I will go back? Thanks, Stephen
by BARMotorsport
25 Jun 2013, 03:59
Forum: Profiles
Topic: iRacing with DashMeterPro settings
Replies: 3
Views: 18000

Re: iRacing with DashMeterPro settings

Sorry, kind of new to this... what exactly do I do with the .xml file... I would like my shift lights to match if possible?

by BARMotorsport
25 Jun 2013, 03:57
Forum: Bug reports
Topic: Fanaleds Crash in Race 07 [Solved]
Replies: 4
Views: 4655

Re: Fanaleds Crash in Race 07 - Solved!

Problem solved! All it took was to hit the "Reset all settings to default" button!?! :D
This is such cool software, hope you got my donation the other day!
by BARMotorsport
20 Jun 2013, 19:23
Forum: Bug reports
Topic: Fanaleds Crash in Race 07 [Solved]
Replies: 4
Views: 4655

Re: Fanaleds Crash in Race 07

:cry: Naturally, I appear to be the only one in the world with this particular problem?!?? Lucky ME... come on Fanaleds, this is too nice a produce not to use it with Race 07 where I spend lots of time when not iRacing... :cry:
by BARMotorsport
19 Jun 2013, 00:17
Forum: Bug reports
Topic: Fanaleds Crash in Race 07 [Solved]
Replies: 4
Views: 4655

Fanaleds Crash in Race 07 [Solved]

Great product in iRacing!!! Race 07 problem: Open Fanaleds program, logo goes across wheel, all appears well until... Car starts while parked in garage then program crashes with window's error Fanaleds Has Stopped Working". If I try to restart program with Race 07 already running, logo goes acr...