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by DirkT
10 May 2017, 15:09
Forum: Bug reports
Topic: BMW Fanatec wheelrim on OSW
Replies: 2
Views: 3093

Re: BMW Fanatec wheelrim on OSW

[ ] blinking hasn't been included for the LeoBodnar conversion boards, I'll see when we can get this included for these as well.

wait for version 2.4l or later soon (beta this week) it's in :)
by DirkT
07 Dec 2016, 13:51
Forum: Releases
Topic: Fanaleds 2.4g
Replies: 7
Views: 14076

Fanaleds 2.4g

Don't use any setting you used earlier, just run the latest version without any config to confirm working order.

Also, please post the content of your global.xml after making changes in the device tab.
by DirkT
07 Dec 2016, 13:37
Forum: Bug reports
Topic: Steering wheel LEO BODNAR GT1 / DIRT RALLY: it doesn't work !
Replies: 8
Views: 6503

Steering wheel LEO BODNAR GT1 / DIRT RALLY: it doesn't work !

Did you use the help feature in setting up your dirt rally?
by DirkT
07 Dec 2016, 13:36
Forum: Feature requests
Topic: Display Fuel In Gallons and Liters
Replies: 5
Views: 5382

Display Fuel In Gallons and Liters

You're quite right, Fuel isn't displayed in decimal representations at the moment. It's already on my backlog of things to-do.

As soon as it's in you will know.
by DirkT
16 Nov 2016, 12:29
Forum: Open discussion
Topic: American Truck Simulator + binding functions to leds
Replies: 3
Views: 11476

American Truck Simulator + binding functions to leds

Only works if you disable the revleds
by DirkT
16 Nov 2016, 12:28
Forum: Open discussion
Topic: No lights on Fanatec universal hub?
Replies: 4
Views: 4453

No lights on Fanatec universal hub?

please try reverting to default settings, (re)move all config files:
by DirkT
16 Nov 2016, 12:27
Forum: Open discussion
Topic: Fanaleds @RBR with 2 d3d9.dll
Replies: 1
Views: 2475

Fanaleds @RBR with 2 d3d9.dll

None at the moment sorry.

These kind of plugins use very tricky hacks to readout the telemetry values of the game. That's mainly the reason why Fanaleds never created it's own dedicated plugin.
by DirkT
16 Nov 2016, 12:25
Forum: Bug reports
Topic: iRacing star mazda kph is off by 5
Replies: 3
Views: 3209

iRacing star mazda kph is off by 5

Speed is given by the games, but almost always as a relative speed of the car. You will notice the speed matches for instance the speedometer of any overlay on any game. It's the in-car speedos that apparently don't show us the same values
by DirkT
16 Nov 2016, 12:23
Forum: Bug reports
Topic: Assetto Corsa shiftlight not working in Fanaled 2.4e
Replies: 8
Views: 8190

Assetto Corsa shiftlight not working in Fanaled 2.4e

Please both check in with testing with complete default config:

(re)move all of your settings files
by DirkT
16 Nov 2016, 12:22
Forum: Bug reports
Topic: Fanaleds does not dispaly anything
Replies: 1
Views: 2593

Fanaleds does not dispaly anything

What kind of hardware? Did you change any of the settings under the Advanced->hardware tab?

If not, try a clean settings run: