Assetto Corsa [Fanaleds] 1.7.x (XML profile)

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Joined: 05 Apr 2015, 23:21

Assetto Corsa [Fanaleds] 1.7.x (XML profile)

Post by rocafella1978 »

will keep updating this XML file and keep posting it here, in the hopes that others, same like-sim racers and enthusiasts will edit and contribute to the XML for Assetto Corsa, RPM and etc. etc. you will see what is missing, I have added a lot of vehicles and BIG BIG THANKS goes to THOMAS CAMERON :D who has hugely contributed and helped me throughout the process and understanding everything :!:

(4.44 KiB) Downloaded 1044 times
:!: :!: :!: once you unzip it, rename it to ac.xml and place into the Fanaleds profile directory.

to edit XML files, search online for free XML editors, there are plenty or them out there.

good luck and hope we can make this work and fill in the blanks!

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Joined: 05 Apr 2015, 23:21

Assetto Corsa [Fanaleds] 1.7.x (XML profile)

Post by rocafella1978 »

after my testing with 2.3i, rev lights LED's only work when you fully spell out RPM's in the "ac.xml" file, otherwise the cars do not react through default or value "0" to read automatically from telemetry of AC. that does not work, I tested that on my rig, brand new rig and some sim racers who tested the same.

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Joined: 05 Apr 2015, 23:21

Assetto Corsa [Fanaleds] 1.7.x (XML profile)

Post by rocafella1978 »

not sure if relevant, but for testing i sent ac.xml new one with only 6x cars to my cousin and nephew for testing, they have both Windows 10 Pro 64-bit, and both machines it did not work at all...
but on my both machines Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit, it does work.

mind you,I still have to use telemetry (Z1 Analyzer) or approximating REV LIGHTS numbers for showing up somewhat correctly to correspond with actual RPM's and engine of a specific car, and the shift point same thing. (MAX engine RPM or REV Limiter i figured will get from data.acd -> engine.ini) long story here but got a friend to give me some of those max rpm values to work with at least, since i had no idea how to extract and pack and etc with those .acd files.

but in short, default and even fresh install with AC and Fanaleds 2.3i did not do anything nor did the LED's work. (they work on rF2 and R3E what I tested perfectly)

will send you guys, whoever wants to try it. or better will post it here shortly for downloading.

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Re: Assetto Corsa [Fanaleds] 1.7.x (XML profile)

Post by pete_agreatguy »

Is this Assetto Corsa Competizione or just normal AC?

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