LED's on SimInstruments Dash too slow

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LED's on SimInstruments Dash too slow

Post by f1maniac2008 »


when starting up fanaleds (or driving in game - e.g. R3E) the shift lights (indicators) are really slow lighting up.
So the shift lights will light up one by one and everything looks fine. But the last few lights are kinda out of sync.
While driving the lights on the sim instruments dash are way to slow and will only start to light up, when the car is also in the red revs. Don't really know ho to explain this strange thing - I attached a short video of what I mean :mrgreen:

Anybody has a clue what I can do to get all the shift lights in sync (like on my fanatec wheel)


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Re: LED's on SimInstruments Dash too slow

Post by Bose321 »

I guess this is because the amount of revleds is different between the Dash and the wheel.
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Re: LED's on SimInstruments Dash too slow

Post by f1maniac2008 »

you're probably right - but shouldn't the rev's adapt to the car settings in fanaleds? Or am I completely off target?
strange. Maybe I can figure smth. out and good things might happen ;-)
well.... I know it's not your primary hardware so I guess I have to live with it
too bad the guys from the dash disappeared

Thanks Bose

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Re: LED's on SimInstruments Dash too slow

Post by f1maniac2008 »

so I made some experiments with the fanaleds configurations and I fixed the async LEDs (while gaming) (via advanced - car settings)
so I think it's case closed :-)

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